January 6, 2013

The Dog Finally Gets A Say - January 3, 2013

Well, here we go again.  I went outside this morning, visited my neighbors, and then came back home for my morning nap and the car was out of the garage, bags were being loaded, wait….my bed….that’s my bed.  Looks like my parents are taking me somewhere else.  So, with their help, I was lifted onto my bed in the backseat and off we go.  I rode, slept, woke up, was lifted out of the car at every gas station and rest stop and was watched in careful anticipation of what would otherwise be a very natural act.  But not knowing how long it would be until the next stop, I lifted my leg on every tree, leaf, and sometimes even a candy wrapper left on the ground.  An eternity later, we arrived at one of those places, where a card is inserted in the door and noises can be heard all night long under the door.  My parents left me there for a while, and when they returned, I could clearly smell steak as they said goodnight.  The next morning, upon returning from my morning walk, I could tell my mom really needed to drink that cup of “that stuff” that makes her begin to act normal again.  So upon her request…and because there was a big sign that read “animals not allowed in breakfast area”, I patiently sat on the tiled floor while my mom walked over to get a couple of cups of that stuff she drinks every morning.  Several people looked up from their cups and smiled at me (as if that was really something that I was sitting there….where was I suppose to go?  I am too short to push the elevator button)!

Soon everything was loaded back in the car and off we go again.  One observation I was able to make, it was getting warmer!  I found myself drinking more and more water at every stop.  Finally, we stopped and got out.  Wait….I believe I’ve been here before.  It’s my Aunt Susan’s house!  Only, she has a new puppy that just loves to put his nose in places that I’ve been taught are off limits for a “nice girl” like me.  I feel it’s my duty as the alpha…elder animal to teach her that southern hospitality stops with the tail wag.  I promise I didn't hurt him.  Our visit ended with us being better friends and hopefully I’ll see Maxx again soon for another lesson or two.

After a couple of nights at Aunt Susan’s house, we continued our adventure and the temperature continued to rise!  Finally, we arrived at our final destination.  I seem to remember being here before.  Nesting owls living in a PVC pipe, Sunset Park where all the dogs in the neighborhood bring their parents to watch that big ball fall out of the sky every afternoon, walks, naps, more walks, more naps…..I believe this is the Florida Keys….life is good...my tail is wagging!

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