December 3, 2014

Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands have approximately 2500 people living on the island.  Of those, about 1500 of them live in Stanley, the capital.  When the cruise ship got there today, we doubled the population….at least for a few hours.
The island is relatively flat.  They seem so cut off from the world, but we heard several locals saying that they have several options for leaving the island.  First, planes arrive 3 days a week, or shipping merchants let them ride to the mainland, and sometimes they can also get a ride on a cruise ship.   Several people we talked to said they have lived there since birth.  One question comes to mind immediately….do you meet your future spouse at a family reunion?

 Once the boat began leaving the harbor, the Captain announced that we might be able to see a colony of penguins on the starboard side of the ship.  Although we had to look through binoculars, we were able to see hundreds on the beach.

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