November 30, 2014

Roll Tide from South America!

The weather has begun getting cold and its been rainy.    We passed the time with lots of shipboard activities (wii bowling, exploring the ship, attending various seminars and last but not least, staying up last night to watch Alabama vs. Auburn.)  The game was on ESPN and fortunately the ship carried this channel.  It didn’t come on until 9:45 p.m. though.   When we went back to our cabin after dinner, our room steward had left us an elephant towel art on our bed.  We felt like that was an omen.  The game was certainly a nail biter.   We watched the first half of the game in the Mix Bar and took our elephant made out of towels and put him on the bar in front of us.  But unfortunately an obnoxious Auburn fan (no, they are not all obnoxious….just this one and I’m sure if he had not been absolutely sloshed he wouldn’t have been obnoxious either), sat next to us and attacked our elephant.    Seriously, he sat down and slurred that he absolutely HATED Alabama, grabbed the elephant and squeezed it, destroying his cute trunk and ears.  We made repairs to the elephant and moved it out of his reach.  Then, he again reached for it.  We realized this just wasn’t going to end well, so we opted to take our elephant back to our cabin and finish watching the game there.   You can’t make that kind of stuff up!  The game ended at 1:50 a.m. , and we managed to stay awake for the entire game.   Roll Tide!  We’ll still be on the ship next Saturday when the SEC championship game is played.   Hoping it will be on ESPN so we can watch it as well. 

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